
Sam Zaccone - Chef Le Bouillon

“I’m handling this situation one day at a time obviously, but I do know that things are going to get better, not worse at this point…because being unemployed lots of people having to lay off a bunch of people…there are options. There are things that we can still do to make this better…we will all hang out and cook some food together here in a few weeks…but we all have to make some sacrifices between that time and this time so…love it or hate it. I think everybody is still in shock not only that it’s happening but it came on so quickly, and that everything went from speculation to people fumbling around trying to figure things out in the course of a week so there's that stage of shock, I’m just happy we haven’t seen that anger stage from too many people. it just sucks telling your friends that you can’t pay them anymore to come in to hang out with you.”